31 Days of Winter Festivals: KRAMPUS!http://ift.tt/1k67tVA


Image has been on a roll, and they aren’t missing a chance to cash in on the hottest winter holiday of them all with KRAMPUS! by Brian Jones and Dean Kotz, a new series about the evil Saint Nick:

Brian Joines and Dean Kotz team up to add a frosty touch to the festive season with their spin on Old Saint Nick and his demon counterpart, Krampus. In KRAMPUS!, a new monthly ongoing series, Father Christmas, Ded Moroz, Hoteiosho, and the rest of The Secret Society of Santa Clauses must rely on Krampus’ help or risk not being able to deliver gifts on time. 
Writer Brian Joines was inspired by the one-on-one relationship that the Krampus figure has always had with Santa. “I liked the idea of the Krampus beholden to an organization greater than he was, something that lent itself to the portrayal of the Krampus as a put-upon protagonist,” Joines explained. “Given that Santa has so many names around the globe, I thought it would be fun to make each name an individual working that particular territory. It shakes the paradigm up a bit.”

KRAMPUS! is on sale on December 11th.

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