[Jimmy Aquino and occasional co-host Grace Helbig.]

As previously noted, we were guests the other night on Comic News Insider’s gala 400th episodealong with Ben Templesmith, Chriss Cross, Becky Cloonan, Paul Pope, Emma Hayley, and many more. And we were there to announce a new partnership between CNI and The Beat!

As you may have noticed, we’ve brought on several more contributors of late (with more in the wings), to expand our coverage of events around the world of comics and nerditry. CNI’s host Jimmy Aquino is not only a good friend, with whom we’ve shared many a late night con adventure, but he’s also a seasoned interviewer with lots of showbiz and comics connections and we’re delighted to be teaming up with him for more coverage.

What does this partnership mean exactly? Well, more late night con adventures, probably. But we’ll also be dropping by CNI on a regular basis for some quick updates on the news and the road. And Jimmy will be contributing interviews and articles for The Beat.

So—it’s all good!