We’re back and in the midst of a immense catch-up catch-all.

In the mean time, enjoy a men’s mag c.1965.


Via Cover Browser.


  1. I can’t help but wonder if the newest gathering places for homosexuals are also where over-sexed women prowl for you.

  2. Is that what they mean by “New Man”?

    And what a wonderful catchphrase! “Kiss the Skull of Death, my beautiful muchacha!” I think I’ll try it on my next date…

  3. Wow, there’s not a single piece of cover copy or artwork on that NEW MAN cover that isn’t in some way offensive. I hope MAXIM is taking notes.

  4. At least one of the 10 personality traits that cripple you sexually has to be, “Reads a magazine like ‘New Man’ to find out personality traits that cripple you sexually and find places where over-sexed women or homosexuals prowl.”

    However, “Kiss the Skull of Death, my beautiful muchacha!” is Bad-Awesome on a Bulwer-Lytton-ly scale.

  5. The New Man covers are a revelation. Campy AND disturbing.

    The Beat is back none too soon what with Comic Con four day passes being sold out and all.

  6. If that cover depicts the newest gathering places for homosexuals, then those homosexuals are doing everything wrong.