In order to view this both impressive and oppressive 3D rendering of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Gotham City one must first allow Nokia—the formerly ascendant Finnish company that was once the world’s largest cel phone manufacturer—to tattle to you friends on Facebook every time you look at it AND tell Nokia you like them. Luckily I do like Nokia — or at least I did like my tiny blue Nokia from 2000 that was my very first cel phone. The snooping and tattling thing is another matter. WHY is there no Facebook app called iVoid that tells all your friends when you are taking a big fat poo?

Anyway Gotham City made up 3D Google map. Kids will love it.

Speaking of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES these production notes from the press kit are online and reveal most everything about the movie. Perhaps, as I did, you will not wish to read them. I am working on a new Facebook app that will tell your friends when you are not reading press kits.