We’re not going to keep doing weekly updates on comics Humble Bundles, but since this is a new way of promoting comics—digital bundles on a pay-what-you-want model to a mostly gaming audience—is seems worth checking in on the first couple. The first comics Related HUmble Bundle was with Image comics, and raised about $400,000. The second, featuring Doctor Who comics and Docor Who game, has raised even more with more than 42,000 bundles sold and $500K spent, with a portion going to Doctors without Borders and the CBLDF.
When fully unlocked, the Bundle includes over 80 comics and the Android-based puzzle game Doctor Who: Legacy, which includes a bunch of Doctors and costumes.
I’m told Humble Bundle is getting more involved in selling ebooks, so expect to see more of these bargains in the coming months.
Three Top Shelf books in the the new one, including THE MARCH BOOK ONE and FROM HELL.
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