The UK OBserver, publisher Jonathan Cape and the Comica festival have been giving out a prize for the best graphic short story for a while, but never before have they given a prize to a story about getting a…medical procedure for the nethers. The winner this year is Emily Haworth-Booth, who divides her time between drawing and teaching comics at the Prince School.

“I was pretty unqualified on paper, but she has an amazing instinct about what will work, and she took a chance on me. I love teaching, and I’ve learned so much from my students.” These days, Haworth-Booth spends three days a week at the school (she is now its communications editor), and four mornings a week working on her own comics; she tries to draft 12 panels each session. Among the comic artists she regards as inspirational are Chris Ware, Seth, Marjane Satrapi, Posy Simmonds, and Daniel Clowes: “I must have read Ghost World hundreds of times.”

The story, which you can read below, is indeed about having a tube stuck up your rumpy-pumpy. It’s part of a longer story about Haworth-Booth’s ongoing medical issues. Despite the grim sound, it’s actually a very funny story because…I think you can figure out why it is funny. The story was chosen from 180 entries–the runner up is Michael Parkin’s Lines, which you can also read down below.

Colonic by Emily Haworth-Booth by Guardian

Lines by Michael Parkin by Guardian