
Very tragic news broke over the weekend that former Real World contestant and Wildstorm editor Sarah Becker has died at age 52. The cause of death was suicide.

Becker appeared on the fifth season of The Real World in 1996 when she was employed as an editor at Wildstorm. According to TMZ, she had recently moved to Illinois, where she struggled with both physical and mental health issues.

Becker’s stint at Wildstorm was brief but included working on titles including Gen 13, DV8, StormWatch, WildC.A.T.s and Team 7. Following her Real World: Miami exposure she moved on to the music business and other ventures, but her time in comics left a mark. Many at Wildstorm remembered her with touching tributes and wonderful photos.

J. Scott Campbell: 

Last night we learned of the devastating news that we had suddenly lost our dear, longtime friend Sarah Becker.
If my career and life as an adult were a tree, Sarah would be as much of the foundation of that trunk that these branches of my life have sprouted from than anyone else I could name. I met Sarah only a year or two into my job at Jim Lee’s Wildstorm Studios. We were both uprooted from the midwest, her from Kenosha Wisconson, me from Denver Colorado, both making our way in the strange world of comic books in San Diego in the early 90s. Sarah was the editor of my first comic book GEN13, but she was so much more than that. Sarah was like the cheer captain, always full of positive energy and joy. It was around this time that Sarah affectionately christened many of us with nicknames that would last for decades. I was soon “Muscles Campbell, due to my very thin frame at the time, and Alex Garner was titled “Garner Goggles”! And if you were fortunate enough at that time to read the GEN13 letters page regularly, Sarah was the life and soul of that feature, and would even regularly write fans back personally with handwritten letters (this was pre-email guys!)

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Jeff Mariotte: 

I saw the news today that we’ve lost one of everyone’s favorite WildStorm folks, Sarah Becker. Even if you weren’t into comics in the 90s you might remember her from The Real World (and from the opening episode of her season, some of which was filmed in our offices and at Sarah’s wild going-away party).
I’m so terribly sorry that Sarah’s gone, but I do find it fitting that this was her last FB post. Sarah LOVED going to the dentist more than anyone I’ve ever known. From this post, it’s obvious that she couldn’t see her old dentist anymore, but she used to travel from San Diego back to Wisconsin for dental appointments (okay, and she’d see family and friends while she was out there) because she liked that dentist so much.
She added sunshine to every room she entered, the fans loved her, and so did we all. Fair winds, Sarah. We’ll miss you.


Alé Garza: 

Such sad news to wake up to… I’ll never forget seeing your smile, as you rolled by the pit in roller skates, complementing me on my tall socks, making me blush… you were the one who discovered my art in a pile of photocopies, I owe it all to you an amazing person, over the rainbow, you will be missed rest in peace Sarah Becker

Lenil Francis Yu 

RIP Sarah Becker, although we’ve never really met in person, she was among the first one to see a spark in my work and tried to get me a job at Homage/Wildstorm even when I wasn’t ready yet. She’s probably one of the main reasons I really pursued comics work as a career path. Thank you, Sarah.

Scott Dunbier:

Heartbroken. Sarah Becker was unique. She was so positive, so cheerful, such a good heart. She saved my ass on the first book I ever edited, and she did it selflessly, generously. She used to call me Dune-Buggy. She was weird and funny and wonderful. I’m going to miss her so much. Me and many others. She was the best. Love you, Becker.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.



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