With reviews, interviews, etc. A lot to digest. We’ll have our restaurant review later.


  1. What an awful name.

    Seriously, the “comics vs. graphic novel” debate aside, that name just takes too much effort to say.

  2. I like how the ad banner says “teens click here” – because you know, teens will be drawn to a media outlet called Graphic Novel Reporter.

  3. KillinJ, do you have a freakin clue? The website isnt for you. Graphic Novels sold over 375 million dollars for 2007. And yes, teens are buying the pretentious manga shit…at the pace of over 210 million dollars a year. So take a nap in the snow. And please dont wake up.

  4. Carol Fitzgerald is one of the best book marketers in the business and pretty much invented many of the techniques that are now the norm for online book marketing. I wish her the best of luck with this.