§ If you were playing along on the Moore/Morrison stuff and can stand ONE MORE LINK, this piece on Moore, Morrison, Supergods by Emmet O’Cuana provides a fine coda.

§ DO NOT mess with The Oatmeal.



§ This piece on actors who have appeared in more than one comic book movie proved that I was not crazy when I thought that Sam Elliott had played the role of Older White Man Antagonist in two different Marvel movies: The Hulk and Ghost Rider. Can Jeff Bridges also double dip?

§ A nice piece on sometime Beat contributor Amy Chu and her Alpha Girl Comics :

“My parents moved to Edmond, Oklahoma from Iowa just after my high school graduation, so I spent summers and Christmas in Edmond,” Chu said. “My dad is still there. I love going back every year to get my BBQ and strawberry cake from Leo’s and to visit the National Cowboy Museum.” Chu’s Alpha Girl Comics began as a project with director and writer Georgia Lee. Their goal is to get new audiences, especially women and girls, into reading and making comics. “Part of our focus is to write great stories with strong and realistic roles for girls and women,” Chu said. “We’re not shy about saying that, and we’ve gotten nothing great support from people within the comics community. Not all the stories are about women but we just feel like we need to represent.”



§ The NY Times is promoting a call for kids to draw holiday comics via the CCS-based Adventures in Comics crew. James Sturm suggests that Hulk vs. Yoda (below) may be the culmination of the year’s efforts.


§ MUST READING. There’s a sprawling interview with Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez up at TCJ, and the two great cartoonists are sometimes caught in the cranky mode that they have been known to affect, but most of it is laudatory:

Love and Rockets is a comics store that we grew up in — well, there weren’t comics stores; there were newsstands. But there’s a comic-book rack and there’s Blackhawk, Archie, My Love, and they were all comic books. It wasn’t like, “This is real comic books, and these are fake comic books” — no, they were all comic books. So we just take every subject we do in that way. Jaime did a superhero epic, that’s because that’s what comic books were. I’ll do a romantic story, soap opera thing, that’s what a comic book was, too. I’m not gonna do Westerns, ’cause I’m not interested in that. Same with war comics, we don’t do that stuff ’cause it’s just not what we’re into. I’ll read one, but they’re not that interesting to me, except for the Harvey Kurtzman ones.


§ Graeme McMillan gets all sad about The Changing Shape of Internet Fandom. It is true that once there were websites devoted to The Invisibles and Sandman and so on. Now we just argue about Image’s reprint policies.


§ Zambry Films has optioned The Impostor’s Daughter a graphic novel by Laurie Sandell. This is a memoirish (“in the tradition of Fun Home!”) story of a woman who discovered her father wove a web of lies. It is not one of those movie comics about a hitman or a ghost hunter or whatever. It’s god to see other kinds of GNs optioned from time to time.

§ A radio show interview with Charles Burns!

Comics creator Charles Burns talks about The Hive, the second book in the trilogy he’s working on, the influence of Tintin, his work on Fear(s) of the Dark, and why comics appeal to him as a storytelling medium.


§ Jill Pantozzi has moved her Hey, That’s My Cape! column from Newsarama to IGN. For her first essay, she takes on that searing moment when you realize you don’t have to keep buying comics book you do not actually like.

So what did I do after Rucka’s speech? I sat down with my iPad (I’m fully digital now and still getting used to it) and gave serious thought to each title. Of the 33 titles I was reading, I decided to stop buying eight. And while it was a huge decision to make, once I did it, I wondered why I hadn’t done it sooner.



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