
How cool are American cartoonists? So cool that they are publishing them in Japan!

Felipe Smith (MBQ) will have a monthly series starting in Morning 2 next month. (The ads for it are reproduced above, courtesy of Ed Chavez who writes:

His manga is going to be on the cover of the June 21 issue of Morning 2 magazine (extremely rare for a debut) that will be followed by 6 color pages and around 40 pages in his first chapter.

this is incredibly rare for an American cartoonist, and shows that the cultural trade deficit is going down just a tad. Brigid has a bit more and a link to a great Myspace blog by Smith.
MEANWHILE, Chris Butcher has the scoop on Viz’s move to publish original graphic novels, via a chat with editor Marc Weidenbaum…and for those of you readying your submission, here’s some info:

[He] made it pretty clear he had no interest in submissions right now. “Maybe in a few years we’ll open it up to submissions,” said Marc. “But right now I just want to see already completed work. What you’ve done, what you’re capable of.” So if you’re sitting on the world’s best manuscript for a 3400 part serial about a new level of Super-Saiyan, can it. At least for a little while. But I do have to say that Marc seemed quite genuine about wanting to see published work and specifically mentioned webcomics, mini-comics and self-pub’d work as well as professionally published material…


  1. Felipe Smith is AWESOME!. Do you hear me people? He’s awesome. Some publisher needs to give the brother a crazy contract and let him draw and write whatever he wants. I speak the truth.

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