We know that you are all tired of Disney Marvel mash-ups, but Is Animator Jeffrey Thomas’s Twisted Princess portfolio close to how Marvel might handle classic princess characters?

NOTE: We really screwed up when we first posted this. We picked it up from another blog that called it how Marvel would handle Disney Princesses, but it’s a completely independent project from earlier this year. It is kinda funnier with the attribution, though. Anyway, very nice concept designs!


  1. These are great, but I don’t think they were intended as Marvel/Disney mashup, unless he predicted it back in February. There more a Todd McFarlane/Disney mashup.

  2. Cool pics, but in NO WAY wold Marvel make these, especially for the cover shots…..the girls are too ‘ethnic’, their boobs are too small, they’re not sexy enough and there’s waaay too much realistic-looking clothing and not enough skin tight spandex! ;)

  3. Those are really cool, but way too dark for what Marvel would do, I think. Also, they’re all the same theme! I think we’d change it up a bit here and there.

    But I like them, esp. Jane, Beauty & Mulan…

  4. It’s funny to see all the reactions in his comment section. Everyone’s really digging it! I hope it doesn’t give the Disney brass any ideas…

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