As we mentioned a few days back, DC’s East Coast publicity department has been severely depopulated, first by the surprise departure of VP David Hyde, and the simultaneous ankling of publicity manager Josh Kushins, who left for a new job in California, we’re told. Kushins had been at DC for about a year.

That leaves Pamela Mullen and Alex Nagorski holding the fort for now (courage, comrades.) But with BEFORE WATCHMEN, the September New 52 Zero Event and everything else rolling out, word is that SVP Courtney Simmons is on a full-scale (wo)man hunt to fill Hyde’s position.

As a reminder, here’s the job posting! Good luck!


  1. FYI: I believe that Josh left because his lady friend got a job out West, not because he was looking to leave DC.

    In any event, Josh is one of the good ones. It’s a bummer he won’t be at DC anymore, but any nerdy companies looking for PR folks in LA would be wise to look him up.

  2. They could try getting some people in there who will make some sort of at least minimal effort to promote the books that don’t involve superheroes, such as the more worthy Vertigo projects.