Scan0001Again With the Comics points us to MS PMS, a comic from the halcyon days of the 90s. that couldn’t keep up a monthly schedule. In fact, it came only once.

I found this little piece of blog-bait in the quarter bin and, well, how could I resist? Ms. PMS was published in 1992, with all the quality art and writing that the time of publication implies…

Click on the link for so…much…more…


  1. I bet this gut was some crazy janitor like Henry Darger, and he’s still drawing thousands of pages of this stuff in his little shack, under the glow of a bare lightbulb, and imagining all the high school girls he sweeps up after having amazing menstrual advantures.

  2. That’s quite the suspicious package Ms. PMS seems to be sporting on the cover. Right mannish for a character centering around her female symptoms. Just sayin’.