A kinship is felt.


  1. Ummm….there are some things that guys like Clowes and Ware are not supposed to do. This is one of them. They are great story tellers but not for everything.

  2. Nice Clowesian “realistic” take on these ARCHIE characters— but I like Dan’s versions of P.Bagge’s “Buddy”, “Lisa” and “Stinky” better.

    Too bad Pete didn’t return the favor and do his take on a couple of Clowes’ characters, too. I’d pay to see Bagge’s versions of “Needledick” or “The Sensual Santa…

  3. “Ummm….there are some things that guys like Clowes and Ware are not supposed to do.” The problem is that they narrowly good at doing one or two things and those things are getting stale. They need to keep grow is creators and individuals but Daniel Clowes’ take on Archie is not particularly interesting or good for a first try.

    “– To each his own, but personally, I think this is a great spin on the characters” Making them look more physically awkward than they were before or depressed is not a good spin to me.Turning Archie characters into typical Daniel Clowes archetypes isn’t a good spin, to me, in this case.

  4. “They need to keep grow is creators and individuals but Daniel Clowes’ take on Archie is not particularly interesting or good for a first try.”

    Pfft. It’s a sketch in a sketchbook.

    “They narrowly good” … “Need to keep grow” … Some people, Jesus…

  5. I’m with the Negative Nellies on this one. That ain’t Archie!!! Sometimes that Dan Clowes pisses me off!!!
    But I think that’s what I love about him.