We’re still in work hell, a hell, we say. A hell relieved only by an oyster po’ boy at Blue Smoke and last night’s episode of LOST. Oh and Greg Rucka’s LJ, which introduced the headline of the day: Great Tits Cope Well With Warming. Yes we are so punchy that this amuses us.

We have no pithy observations or bon mots, alas. Why? Why? WHY??

BTW is it just us or were most of the covers on HAUNTED designed by madmen?


  1. “The research uses a long record of great tits in a breeding site at Wytham Woods near Oxford, where observations began in 1947.”

    “and the Dutch honey buzzard is also failing to adapt to the earlier appearance of wasps, which it eats.”

    “‘Our study shows that sometimes individuals can be very flexible in their behaviour,’ said Ben Sheldon.

    ‘What we want to do is to try and understand why some species are flexible and others aren’t – it’s the ones that aren’t flexible that are going to be at risk.'”

    I’m glad that naturalists are studying great tits. The world would be a lesser place without great tits. Many Brits have days made better by the presence of great tits, even if unseen by the naked eye.