Vaughan and Martin’s Panel Syndicate to add more creators

Brian Vaughan and Marcos Martin of PRIVATE EYE fame did a Reddit AMA the other day, and they dropped some hints that a new comic may be joining their Panel Syndicate operation soon. Asked if he thought Private Eye’s pay-what-you-want for a PDF download model could work for unknowns, Vaughan replied, “Marcos and I hope to find out later this year, when Panel Syndicate debuts another original pay-what-you-want, DRM-free comic from a very cool creator.

“But yeah, I definitely think it could work for others,” he added. “I still think that Image is probably the wisest bet for somewhat established creators looking to do original work, but for both complete unknowns and more “veteran” writers and artists, this option makes a lot of sense.”

As you may recall, you can download a DRM-free pdf of each chapter of The Private eye for whatever you want to pay—some people take it for free, but most pay something. It’s been a lucrative enterprise for Vaughan and Martin. From the beginning, they’ve also mentioned wanting to add other cartoonists to their site so…this will be interesting.

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