
When Marvel’s Ralph Macchio retired the other day, we made the claim that he was the last editor from the pre-direct sales market working in the business. A few people wrote in to correct us, however.

There is one editor who has been around even longer, and is still going strong, Archie’s own editor in chief, Victor Gorelick (pronounced Gor-EL-ick). Now 70, Gorelick has worked at Archie for 50 years in various roles. It’s certainly an astonishing career that has seen incredible changes.

In 2009, Gorelick was interviewed by Brian Heater:

Riverdale High is probably not like any other high school in the country. There are no metal detectors to go through and there are no guards walking around in the hallways. And still it’s a comfort zone for our readers, because they haven’t gone to high school yet.

Is that just a case of things having changed over the years, or do you think Riverdale’s always been something of an idealistic setting—that things were never quite as neat as they were for Archie?

What’s changed is reality. In a lot of ways Riverdale hasn’t changed in that respect, as far as the high school goes. We have done some stories over the years that have dealt with bullying or other problems that kids might have in school. We even did a story back in the 70s that dealt with drugs and one that dealt with the Vietnam War. We did a few stories, here and there, but nobody stood on a soapbox. The subject was part of the story, without saying if they were for the war or against the war—certainly no one’s for drugs [laughs].


  1. further correction: that’ll be 53 years in october. there’s a chapter on this incredible and genial creative legend, victor gorelick, in my big coffee table archie history book “archie: america’s favorote teenagers”. see http://yoebooks.com victor is not only the comics editor with the longest career but probably the nicest.

  2. Craig’s book is awesome! Picked it up at sdcc this year and devoured it immediately. If you have any interest in Archie – especially 50’s and 60’s I highly recommend it. Great stuff.

  3. Victor is one of the most congenial, stand up guys in the business. If you’re ever lucky enough to receive counsel or advice from him, I suggest you heed it.