Golden Age Comic Book Stories deserves study each and every day. Recent gems:

04 Wyeth Charlemagne

NC Wyeth’s Charlemagne illustrations in three parts:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

01 Princess Schoonover

Original covers illustrations for Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars series. Above A Princess of Mars by Frank E. Schoonover. Amusing to see these books with a Pre-Raphaelite spin.


  1. A great way to start a Saturday! Thanks!

    Of course, for me, Frank Frazetta is the only _real_ illustrator of John Carter’s adventures, I don’t care who came first. But these are fun to look at nonetheless.

  2. A great way to start a Saturday! Thanks!

    Of course, for me, Frank Frazetta is the only _real_ illustrator of John Carter’s adventures, I don’t care who came first. But these are fun to look at nonetheless.

  3. Those are really exciting. Having to put my comic work on hold (a lot) due to story boarding and gallery work, I’m always trying to find that happy medium between story telling and what you can hang on the wall. That way I can put out comics and then present the panels in frames as “fine art.” Maybe some would consider that a cheap trick, but seeing these works gives me a bit of a better idea of how I can do it. Thanks Heidi. Your ability to see what others don’t is truly a gift to all of us.

  4. thnx for this link! those wyeth illos are just the most amazing things ever. much appreciated on a monday AM.

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