The videos that were forbidden to be filmed are beginning to leak out, and here’s a few of them.

§ KICK-ASS, the indie superhero movie directed by Matthew Vaughn, has gotten an excellent reaction from footage shown thus far. Here’s some footage shown in Chicago, via Bleeding Cool:

The other Most Likely To Succeed video is IRON MAN 2; Ace Showbiz has that VIDEO DISABLED BECAUSE OF ANNOYING AUTOPLAY.

Sorry about that!

More as it emerges.


  1. Yeah sorry about that. In the time it went to go to lunch and pick up a package at the Post Office disaster struck.

  2. You know, Bleeding Cool’s Iron Man 2 footage link has no autoplay.

    It also is called Joss Ackland’s Spunky Backpack to fool the studio.

    Bizarrely it seemed to work.