ReedPOP has posted all of the maps for this year’s New York Comic Con, and there are lots of changes, as expansion of the Javits Center has forced some compression on site, and expansion elsewhere!
First, the neighborhood, the big picture:
As Javits shrinks, the neighborhood gets bigger.
A) That’s the convention center, you all know where/what that is.
B) Hudson Mercantile? 500 West 36th Street. Here’s a list of all the events taking place there.
C) The Manhattan Center? Hammerstein Ballroom! Lots of media panels, mostly Small Screen.
D) The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden. The BIG Media events.
E) Hudson Yards Park. ???
F) The Studio @ NYCC – Shop Studios
The Studio @ NYCC, powered by Entertainment Weekly and MPAA, brings you inside the worlds of entertainment and storytelling by connecting you with top tier talent and creators through a series of masterclasses, workshops and exclusive conversations. Hear industry luminaries discuss their craft in an intimate setting sure to spark your creativity and inspire conversation. The Studio @ NYCC is your place to explore storytelling in all its forms including art, books, film & TV, music, tech and more.
Please note: The Studio @ NYCC events either require a separate ticket or are accessible with your NYCC badge valid for the day of that event. Please check each individual event listing for details.
G) Mercantile Annexes 37 & 38. ??? VRV is a streaming service owned by AT+T. They also own Crunchyroll.
[All your cartoon are belong to us.]
[I think this is similar to the offsite events you find at San Diego.]
H) Anime Fest @ NYCC X Anime Expo – Pier 94
All the panels are listed here.
*) New York Public Library. Once again, the New York Public Library hosts a day of events for librarians and educators.
Hit those links, or search for specific panels. I suspect all require an additional ticket. (Which, in my opinion, is better than a wristband. Especially if there’s reserved seating, like at MSG. Dunno if they’ll use it, or if it’s general seating. Either way, big improvement.)
Also, there are numerous events occurring all over the city, starting October 2, under the NYCC Presents banner.
The building:
Lots of changes here!
Artist Alley is now in Hall 1B. (Hey! They took my suggestion!) This is where the cavernous autographing area used to be. This is almost twice the size of the notorious Hall 1E, and about the same size as the demolished North Hall. Will they allow pros to enter from Twelfth Avenue, via the loading docks? More details below.)
Level 4 looks to be even more off-limits. Sy-Fy returns with their fan experience. “Cosplay Central” is a specific stage/panel area for costuming, but the rest is restricted to press and grand poobahs.
The food trucks are beneath the overhang (and right above the food court), just like last year. There are portable toilets nearby! I wonder who is sponsoring them?
There are two gender-neutral bathrooms near 1D (or so it says on the show floor map below). Nothing is marked on this map. There’s a “Queer Lounge” at 1E01.
NBC Universal, Bandai, Nickelodeon, and Amazon claim the quad in the Crystal Palace.
The Show Floor:
Of note:
DreamWorks and Bandai are up front in 3E.
The Block, traditionally the anchor for 3E, has been pushed to the back of that hall. (Perhaps to maximize floor rents in a smaller space?)
Bait? Another clothing company.
Only one ATM on the show floor! (In the first aisle, near the Java energy drinks booth.)
No dynamic map online, so you can’t click a booth and figure out what’s there. You can search the exhibitor listing by booth number.
Artist Alley (1B):
474 tables. There were 419 tables in a very crowded Hall 1E last year, and 460 in the North Hall in 2016. That makes it one of the largest Artist Alleys in North America.
Of those 474 tables, 209 are selling “Posters/Prints”. (Second to “Original Art” with 244.)
Check out those hours! 10 AM – 8 PM! (I think Bar-Con will cause a rethinking of this. Plus Broadway, dinner, not much traffic…)
The building map shows one ATM location at the front of the hall.
…and… not many bathrooms! I wonder if there’s one in the back-of-house/loading dock that artists can use?
How good is the wi-fi down in 1B? In the North Hall, you got a good cellphone signal due to the glass and being in a shed. We’ll see how dealers fare trying to swipe cards downstairs.
Here’s the listing for the booths in Artist Alley:
- 1B2: Certified Guaranty Company LLC CGC
- 1B3: Hot Flips LLC
- 1B4: Blick Art Materials
- 1B5: comiXology
- 1B7: The Kubert School
- 1B8: Reading With Pictures
That’s the gist of it. Got any hacks you want to share? Comment below.
So if Artist Alley is so much bigger, why have they purged so many pros?
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