The fight against Amanda Waller’s AI Justice League continues in Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1. Branching off the main event line, this tie-in miniseries is aimed at showing just how evil the AI “heroes” can be. It starts with The Last Son, Waller’s version of Superman.

With Metropolis’ supers already taken off the board, The Last Son sets his algorithmic aim on the Marvel family. It makes sense this group is the next one up for decommissioning as they have always been among the most powerful heroes in the DCU. If anything, this is indicative of Waller’s plan to take out the big hitters first and then focus on the others. But if there’s something events have shown us in the past, is that those who are always dismissed as “not powerful” enough can rally for a push that can turn the tables on the big bad threat.

The Mark Waid and Dan Mora-led event has its sights set on a timeless and timely clash with an enemy that’s no stranger to being an event-level threat: artificial intelligence. From Braniac to Ultron, AI or robotic approximations of it have never been content with small scale conflict. Their presence represents a comprehensive alteration to reality as we know it. Humanity is almost always at the risk of being replaced by a cold and indifferent kind of intelligence that constantly reaches the conclusion it deserves to be the standard of life. In this case, the debate falls on superhero superiority and whether AI is better suited for the role. We’ll see if they consider humans worth saving after they’ve done away with the supers.

Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1 is written by Leah Williams and features art by Caitlin Yarsky, colors by Alex Guimares, and letters by Dave Sharpe. As expected, a wide selection of covers and variant covers accompany the first issue’s release, which is slated for July 10th, 2024.

Below you’ll find a preview of the comic along with all the covers that will be available for it.

Main cover by Pete Woods
Variant by Brad Walker
Variant by Dave Raposa
Foil variant by Dan Mora
Variant by Stephen Platt

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