by Xavier Lancel
The Beat rendez-vous at Angouleme FIBD (January 25-28th)
The Beat will be at full throttle during the festival, proposing to you several encounters:
– The whole duration of the festival, come to the SCARCE magazine booth (in the alternative area, next to the LGBT-BD Booth at F39) and meet sarcastic Xavier Lancel from the Marvel charts. You will discover the new issus of his mag, focusing on Alpha Flight and Carl Potts.
– At the same booth, you will be able to meet former Vertigo editor Greg Lockard, now a freelance writer and editor. He will sign Re-Infinity, a mini-comics he did with artist Tim Fish.
At 11 AM, on Friday and 11 Am Saturday, two Beat-related panels are scheduled :
– In Friday, Heidi will moderate a debate on « Qui est le nouveau lecteur de bande dessinée? » (Who is the new audience for Graphic Novels)
with Patty Rice, Adam Wilson, Diana Pho, Greg Hunter et Katie Mcguire, at the International Rights Market
– On Saturday, Xavier will do a lecture on « Comics : l’art de la couverture » (Comics: The Art of the Cover) at the George Brassens room in Le Conservatoire
So many occasions to have a good time and meet some of the smiley faces behind The Beat. See you all!
Heidi here with a “Bonjour!” from the departure lounge at JFK. In addition to meeting and greeting with th one and only Xavier, come see me in the Rights Tent. Or the castle, aka Press Room. Or at Le Chat Noir. The usual places.
Viennoiseries Assembled!
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