A new era of X-Men comics is nearly upon us. After unveiling the first slate of series, today Marvel has announced details for Sentinels, a five-issue miniseries from writer Alex Paknadel and artist Justin Mason.

SentinelsHere’s how the publisher describes the miniseries:

While the X-Men regroup in the wake of Krakoa’s fall, the government revives their infamous Sentinel program under the guidance of Lawrence Trask. A mutant himself, Lawrence is cursed with visions of an apocalyptic species war and knows exactly which evil mutants will ignite it. On the surface, his new line of Sentinels appear to be technology-enhanced superhumans, but the truth behind their creation is darker than you can imagine. As Graymalkin Prison becomes home to the villains they capture, the pieces fall into place for the birth of a major new enemy that will define the first year of the X-Men’s From the Ashes era.  

WHO ARE THE NEW SENTINELS? The original Sentinel Program was human supremacy and fear coded into circuitry. But now their legacy falls into the hands of mutantkind! Powered by cutting-edge nanotech, this new generation of Sentinels protects a fragile peace between mutants and humans. But when being a Sentinel is your job – your life – is it possible to stay human? Meet Sawtooth, Lockstep, Drumfire, and Voivod, a brand-new team of heroes that will take on the most heinous mutants! Their first mission: capture Omega Red!

Writer Paknadel shared his great enthusiasm for the new miniseries:

“As an X-fan going back to my first set of teeth, I couldn’t be prouder or more excited to share SENTINELS with the fans. This book is about flawed human beings doing a dirty job for a dirty cause, and Justin Mason and I are determined to make you care about each and every one of them. Whatever your expectations are going in, I promise this book will surprise you.”

In addition to the main cover by Mason, variant covers will also be available by Nick Bradshaw, Jeremy Wilson, and Chris Campana.

Look for Sentinels #1 (of 5) to arrive in stores and digitally on Wednesday, October 9th.

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